Duke Yin's Technology database


示例1 air-light theme

themes/your-theme-name/              # → Root of your air-light based theme
├── 404.php                          # → Default "not found" page
├── archive.php                      # → Default archive template
├── bin/                             # → Scripts
│   ├── ...                          # → This scripts are used for generating themes or new Air-light version
│   └── newtheme.sh                  # → The start script for creating YOUR own theme out of Air-light
├── comments.php                     # → Default comments template (can be deleted if not needed)
├── css/                             # → CSS files for production (never edit)
│   ├── dev/                         # → Unminified stylesheet files for debugging (never edit)
│   └── prod/                        # → Minified stylesheet files for production (never edit)
├── fonts/                           # → Your webfont files (woff, woff2, ttf needed)
├── footer.php                       # → Site footer
├── front-page.php                   # → Demo front-page template (not included in wordpress.org version)
├── functions.php                    # → Set up your theme basic settings
├── gulp/                            # → Gulp related settings and tasks
│   └── ...                          #
├── gulpfile.js                      # → Core gulpfile for air-light development
├── header.php                       # → Site header
├── images/                          # → Your theme images, for example default featured images and placeholders
├── inc/                             # → Theme core PHP
│   ├── hooks/                       # → Hook functions
│   ├── includes/                    # → Non-template features
│   ├── template-tags/               # → Template functions and helpers
│   ├── post-types/                  # → Custom Post Types
│   ├── taxonomies/                  # → Custom Taxonomies
│   ├── hooks.php                    # → All hooks the theme runs are here
│   ├── includes.php                 # → Include non-template features
│   └── template-tags.php            # → Include template functions and helpers
├── js/                              # → JavaScript files
│   ├── dev/                         # → Unminified script files for debugging (never edit)
│   ├── prod/                        # → Minified script files for production (never edit)
│   └── src/                         # → Script files for development (edit these)
│       ├── navigation.js            # → Accessible multi-level navigation (from 3.4.5)
│       ├── front-end.js             # → Theme core JavaScript file (from 1.0.0, before: scripts.js)
│       └── sticky-nav.js            # → Sticky nav functionality (optional)
├── package.json                     # → Node.js dependencies and scripts
├── page.php                         # → Default page template
├── phpcs.xml                        # → PHPCodeSniffer/WordPress Theme Coding Standards settings
├── sass/                            # → SCSS files for CSS development
│   ├── base/                        # → Theme base styles
│   │   └── _accessibility.scss      # → Accessibility
│   ├── global.scss                  # → Core CSS file that calls all the modular files
│   ├── gutenberg-editor-styles.scss # → Core CSS file for Gutenberg editor and blocks
│   ├── components/                  # → Add your style components to this folder
│   ├── features/                    # → Fuctionality styles
│   │   ├── _gallery.scss            # → Default WordPress gallery feature styles
│   │   ├── _gravity-forms.scss      # → Defaults for Gravity Forms + WCAG 2.0 form fields for Gravity Forms
│   │   ├── _lazyload.scss           # → Styles for air-helper lazyload feature (lazyload.js needed)
│   │   ├── _top.scss                # → Back to top styles
│   │   ├── _pagination.scss         # → Numbered pagination styles
│   │   ├── _sticky-nav.scss         # → Sticky nav styles (not included by default)
│   │   └── _slick.scss              # → Styles for slick-carousel (not included by default)
│   ├── gutenberg/                   # → Gutenberg block styles for both core and custom blocks
│   │   └── ...                      # → WIP
│   ├── helpers/                     # → Helper mixins and functions
│   │   ├── _animations.scss         # → Animations and effects
│   │   ├── _aspect-ratio.scss       # → A mixin for aspect ratio
│   │   ├── _general.scss            # → Mixins for general use, or helpers of other mixins
│   │   ├── _grid.scss               # → CSS Grid helper mixin
│   │   └── _typography.scss         # → Typography style mixins
│   ├── layout/                      # → Fuctionality styles
│   │   ├── _forms.scss              # → Styles for general forms and Gravity Forms
│   │   ├── _site-footer.scss        # → Footer styles
│   │   ├── _site-header.scss        # → Header styles
│   │   ├── _typography.scss         # → Defaults for typography and fonts
│   │   └── _gutenberg.scss          # → Site-side styles for Gutenberg (pratically for single.php)
│   ├── navigation/                  # → Navigation styles
│   │   ├── _burger.scss             # → Burger styles and animations
│   │   ├── _nav-desktop.scss        # → Desktop navigation styles and dropdowns
│   │   └── _nav-mobile.scss         # → Navigation styles for mobile and touch devices
│   ├── variables/                   # → Configurations
│   │   ├── _breakpoints.scss        # → Widths from mobile to TV screens
│   │   ├── _colors.scss             # → All the colors of the theme
│   │   ├── _font-face.scss          # → Define font variables here
│   │   ├── _font-family.scss        # → Define font paths
│   │   ├── _font-size.scss          # → Define font related sizes
│   │   ├── _forms.scss              # → Form related variables
│   │   └── _spacings.scss           # → Margins and paddings
│   ├── views/                       # → Templates, archives, pages and views go here
│   │   ├── _404.scss                # → Default 404 styles
│   │   ├── _comments.scss           # → Comment styles (optional)
│   │   ├── _front-page.scss         # → Front page styles (empty by default)
│   │   └── _search.scss             # → Default search result styles
├── screenshot.png                   # → Theme screenshot for WP admin
├── search.php                       # → Default search view
├── sidebar.php                      # → Default sidebar (optional)
├── single.php                       # → Default single article or CPT view
├── style.css                        # → Theme meta information
├── svg/                             # → Your theme SVG graphics and icons
└── template-parts/                  # → WordPress template parts. Modules go under this folder.
├── header/                      # → Header modules
│   ├── branding.php             # → Site branding
│   ├── navigation.php           # → Site navigation
└── hero.php                     # → Default hero

示例2 Twenty Seventeen Theme

assets (dir)
- css (dir)
- images (dir)
- js (dir)
inc (dir)
template-parts (dir)
- footer (dir)
- header (dir)
- navigation (dir)
- page (dir)
- post (dir)




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